Author: Louise Hunter

March Challenge 2025

Sustainable eating is not only healthier for us but it also helps the planet. This month could you consider choosing more plant based food and less meat? Choose days when you drop the chop and do tofu?? Eating meat and dairy products generates a lot of the world’s total gas emissions. Ultra processed foods such as pizza, crisps, cakes and ready meals are packed in plastics and often use palm oils which we know is a huge cause of deforestation and endangering animals.  Perhaps we can consider swapping lentils for your regular beef mince bolognese?  It’s just as tasty and every small change we make will make a world of difference 🌎

CC Juniors Feb ‘25

Today spring is in the air as the daffodils and spring bulbs that we planted last year are really making an appearance!  We tried out some healthy snacks like pea hummus with chopped veg and mixed veggie crisps! The crisps were definitely a hit! It seems pea hummus is not for everyone….😄 Then it was down to work as we started seed planting, the first of 2025 🙂 Everyone was up for the challenge of growing peas, beans, chillies and sunflowers!  Fingers crossed 🤞🏻 The children made some lovely spring themed bookmarks and crazy animals. All in all it was another lovely afternoon with our junior garden gang 🥕

Garden life

As the weather (mainly) becomes a bit more pleasant, the garden gang were back doing some tidying up after the storms. It was good to be back in the tranquility of the Mary Garden and good to see our robin ever present, as well as some new visitors. Great to see our CC Juniors bulbs popping through! There is a lot to do as we await the spring and we would be very grateful for your help if you have an hour or two.

February Eco Challenge

Many thanks to the children of the Rights Respecting Team at St Ninians Primary for their lovely posters supporting our eco challenge this month, which is to reduce our use of plastics. We can never have enough reminders of how we can make a small change within the bigger picture.  The children can teach us a thing or two and their bright posters really get the message across.

Tesco Donations

With thanks once again to Allison, the community champion at Tesco Riverside, for her kind donation of toys for the Giving Tree and lots of gingerbread men for the children singing at the Family Carol Service on 17th December. We are very grateful.

CC Juniors Autumn Fun

We met this time with a pumpkin theme! Bernadette is demonstrating the reuse of pumpkin shells to turn into hanging bird feeders! Let’s hope the birds love them! The kids are getting stuck into planting daffodil bulbs for next spring. Thanks to the Garden Gang for building this area dedicated to flowers for the bees.

We have also been collecting seed pods from the wigwam. These started out as the ones we grew from seed last year! It’s been great to watch their grow and flowering cycle and we hope these little wool pots will soon be germinating next years plants. It was a fun afternoon 🎃

Who doesn’t love getting dirty?! 🤩

Bingo Night!

It was eyes down at St Mary’s, Lochee this week as we held our bingo fundraiser event. Many thanks to all those who came along to support this and to those who donated prizes, baked cakes and helped on the evening. We raised £620!