Category: Eco

Lovely Flowers!

We are very pleased to see all the flowers this year in the church gardens. Here we find Charlie sitting amongst the sweet peas that the CC Juniors grew from seed! It’s been a poor summer so the plants are not as tall as we hoped but they smell lovely and Charlie was happy to pick some to take home. The more we pick the more they grow! We have grown lots of alstroemeria which have appeared on the Altar recently as well as other lovely flowers and Judi picked this bunch as her prize in the raffle! 🙂

Community Wall in Place: Join Us in Honouring and Remembering Loved Ones

We are delighted to share the good news that our community wall is now in place at the back of the church. It’s looking great and from a personal point of view, it is so lovely to see the names of former parishioners. Many thanks to all who ‘made this happen’ especially the ‘2 Jims’, Jim Ashwood and Jim Hampton.

We are now collecting forms for the next batch of names to go on the wall so if you would like the names of your loved ones to be included, please get in touch.

For more information about the wall, go to

First Communion Celebration at St. Ninian’s Church.

Saturday 15th June was a very special day for 12 boys and girls from St Ninian’s Primary School who received their First Communion in St Ninian’s Church, Menzieshill. The lovely Mass was celebrated by Fr. Johney and families and staff joined them for their happy holy day. Prayers and best wishes to them all.

Below, is a video of the children singing and signing their special hymn, ‘Come to the Table of Mercy’.

Come to the Table of Mercy

Community Wall

We are planning to put up a memorial wall in St Ninian’s Church and it will be named “St. Ninian’s, a Community Built in Spirit and Love”. This will be a space where you, your family, your loved ones, can be remembered for years to come on a commemorative brick wall and is a fund raiser to improve our existing hall facilities which are now too small and restrictive for our current needs.

The cost of a full brick is £50.00 one off payment or £25.00 for a half brick.

We hope we can count on your support to ensure that the space for community spirit within St. Ninian’s and St Clement’s can be expanded. If you are interested, download this form and return to the church or email

St Clement’s First Communicants

Congratulations and blessings to the boys and girls from St Clement’s who made their First Communion on Saturday at St Ninian’s Church. It was a beautiful and memorable day in many ways for them all.

Children’s Liturgy Pentecost Sunday/Laudato Si’

This year, Pentecost Sunday is also the 9th anniversary of the letter from Pope Francis to every person in the world, asking us to Care for our Common Home – to look after our beautiful planet! The Holy Spirit fills us with everything we need to make a difference every single day.  The Pope’s letter is called Laudato Si’ (which means Praised Be) and we are going to make a big effort in the following week to do as our Pope asks.

Here is what WE will do in Our Laudato Si’ week 2024! 🌍

  • Monday – Take a walk in nature, look all around you and see the beautiful world of plants, animals, flowers, insects (some are so pretty!) 
  • Tuesday- travel in an eco friendly way ! Walk or take an electric bus!
  • Meat free Wednesday – eating less meat is good for the planet in lots of ways
  • Thursday – Save energy – turn off lights you don’t need, turn off tv if you’re not watching!
  • Friday – Save plastic by having reusable items such as water bottles and lunch boxes 
  • Saturday – Save water! Turn off when you clean your teeth!
  • Sunday – Talk with your family and friends about how you have been saving the planet