CC Juniors Autumn Fun
We met this time with a pumpkin theme! Bernadette is demonstrating the reuse of pumpkin shells to turn into hanging bird feeders! Let’s hope the birds love them! The kids are getting stuck into planting daffodil bulbs for next spring. Thanks to the Garden Gang for building this area dedicated to flowers for the bees.

We have also been collecting seed pods from the wigwam. These started out as the ones we grew from seed last year! It’s been great to watch their grow and flowering cycle and we hope these little wool pots will soon be germinating next years plants. It was a fun afternoon 🎃

Who doesn’t love getting dirty?! 🤩
This is fantastic – the kids with the guidance of the Garden team are learning so much about the importance of preserving the natural environment through innovative approaches to reuse etc . Great work by all.
Thank you Dennis 😍 we all enjoy it 🙂