When the Covid restrictions were lifted in February 2020 the parishioners of St Clément’s Church were devastated by the news that the church building would not reopen due to the prohibitive cost of repairing it. Immediately as a stop gap the hall became our church centre.
In March 2021 Bishop Stephen, Diocesan advisers and the Parish Council held an extraordinary meeting when plans were discussed about a way forward using the hall. In April Bishop Stephen celebrated Mass and explained the situation to the congregation and it was agreed to do limited repairs to the hall.
In June a banister was erected, and slabs laid at the emergency exit, the next day a partition was built to divide the hall to give us an area for church services and a hospitality area with a capacity of 30.
Some parishioners painted the walls and further improvements were made, a red carpet was laid on the stage and red velvet curtains were hung as a backdrop another altar was brought in and soon, we had a beautiful Sanctuary.
Next the Stations of the Cross were hung on the walls. The final work was the cutting of the pews and transporting them to the hall.
There is now room for about 70 worshippers and our little church looks beautiful and is a welcoming place open to all.

Our Parish History
Our parish is dedicated to St. Clement of Rome, fourth pope of the Church until 100 A.D. He has had a connection with Dundee since the 13th Century when there was an early parish church dedicated to him.
He is also adopted as the town’s titular head. St. Clement was condemned to death by the Emperor Trajan who had him cast into the sea tied to a stone anchor (as depicted on the mural in the sanctuary)
In 1956 it was decided to establish a church to serve the needs of Catholics in Camperdown, the area which is now known as Charleston. The first parish priest was Father John Page who managed to find accommodation for Mass within the convent of the Little Sisters of the Poor who had a home for the elderly, Wellburn, within the boundaries of this new parish.
On the 20th May 1956 the first Mass was celebrated in the convent chapel. Since the chapel could only hold 200 people, it was necessary for 5 Masses each Sunday and feast day.
A suitable site for the new church was found in the middle of the housing scheme—adjacent to the primary school.
The construction of the building, capable of holding 750 people, was finished in 1962 and solemnly blessed by Right Rev. William Andrew Hart, Bishop of Dunkeld on Saturday 22nd September 1962.
St Clement’s was served by many pious parish priests and assistant priests over the years and in 2006 was given into the care of the Congregation of St. Thérèse, the Little Flower, members of which, have come from Kerala, India at the invitation of Right Rev. Vincent Logan Bishop of Dunkeld. We were all delighted in 2014 when one of our parishioners, Michael Carrie was ordained to the priesthood and now serves in our diocese.
Since 1962 we have had 7 parish priests and 7 assistant priests, Father Johney Raphael CST, has been our parish priest since 2016.
In 2019 when Fr Johney took up residence at St Ninians we were joined in the Church house by The Missionaries of Charity who are doing fantastic work in the diocese.

The parish has had Pilgrimages over the years to various places including India, Rome, Lourdes and Fatima and the Holy Land.

The Church and School
The parish has a close connection with the primary school and the Head Teacher Mrs Annamarie Flynn.
June 1st 2024, children made their First Communion in St Ninian’s then enjoyed a lovely breakfast after in their own school.

St Clement’s Catholic Church
Craigowan Road
email: stclement@dunkelddiocese.org.uk
**Fr Johney’s Jubilee Mass which was held in St Ninian’s Church on Tuesday 15th June 2022, was recorded and can be seen on the Diocesan website .