Eco Calendar for Lent

Lent is a special season for reflection and action through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, when we celebrate the memory of our Lord Jesus Christ in His passion, death, and resurrection. We know that Creation also eagerly awaits for redemption (cf. Rm 8:19-23), therefore Lent can be an opportunity every year for Catholics worldwide to grow deeper in their faith that Jesus Christ is the redeemer of the whole cosmos, of all creatures, of all creation. This year in a special way, as we celebrate the Year of Jubilee, 10 years of Laudato Si’ and Laudato Si Movement (LSM) , and 800 years of the Canticle of Creatures, Lent can prepare us to live this year faithfully and fruitfully. We invite all Catholics to embrace this special season of Lent by reflecting on how we can care for our Earth, making small changes to our daily actions, and reconnecting with creation through meaningful steps toward healing and sustainability. The daily actions proposed in this calendar which you can download below, revolve around LSM’s three pillars: eco-conversion, sustainability, and advocacy and were developed in collaboration with the Laudato Si’ Action Platform.