Did you know …..
that the Church gardens aren’t just about the flowers and veg! We have lots of bird feeders and bug hotels around the area to encourage and protect wildlife and we made a “pond” from an old sink. We make our own compost and, from the leaves we sweep up in Autumn, we make leaf mould to spread on the raised beds. We have water butts to collect all this rain that seems to fall daily and there are several varieties of fruit trees in the orchard which are now really beginning to blossom. As well as growing flowers for the altar and the tables in CCs, we grow herbs and vegetables which are often added to hearty soups to be served up on Thursdays. The garden gang are heavily involved in all sorts of garden maintenance; cleaning, painting, digging, chopping, sweeping and building. So, if you can spare an hour or two over the summer to come and help with some essential jobs such as watering and weeding then it would be much appreciated! Oh, and one more thing…. Did you know … there’s always tea and cake 🙂