Category: St Clements

Didn’t our Walkers do well??

Wow! Our parishioners who took up the challenge of the Big Lenten Walk for SCIAF certainly put their best feet forward. The combined group from St Ninian’s and St Clement’s walked the roads and the miles round Dundee and have hiked home with an astonishing total of £5000!

Our super strollers send a huge THANK YOU to all who gave so generously.
This marathon effort has put the Parishes Together group at the top of the Cafod/SCIAF Justgiving page leader board, not just in Scotland, but for the whole of the UK!

So take a bow, St Ninian’s and St Clement’s, you may just have strolled into the SCIAF record books.


This week, children from our 2 Primary schools, St Ninian’s and St Clement’s were confirmed by Bishop Stephen. Both were beautiful happy services led by the children but also a touch of sadness for parishioners as these were Bishop Stephen’s last duties as our Bishop in our Diocese. We wish him health and happiness to enjoy his retirement.

St Ninian's Confirmation
St Ninian’s Confirmation
St Clements confirmation
St Clement’s Confirmation

Almsgiving Update

Grow your fiver graphic

This weekend sees the end of our fundraising efforts for Lent. There’s still time to make a donation by taking a guess at the Gin/Whisky trails, buying cards and raffle tickets or placing a donation in the box for Rosily at the back of church.

For parishioners who have taken part in the “Grow your Fiver” challenge, Louise is asking if you could please return your profits to her or in an envelope marked Grow your Fiver which can be placed in the box for Rosily. It would be great if you could write what you did on a star and stick it on the board.

Thank you so much for everyone’s efforts, it is very much appreciated and has brought some lovely community spirit too 🙂

Lenten Almsgiving

Grow Your Fiver!

Raising money as a joint parish community (St Clement’s and St Ninian’s) links in really well with our Journeying Together programme. Here are some of our ideas for the next six weeks for our *Lenten Almsgiving appeal and please do encourage the children to take part. They are wonderful and enthusiastic! 

  • Grow your Fiver! Ask someone from the Fundraising Group for £5 after Mass or feel free to use your own £5! Do let us know what you are doing so we can celebrate your efforts on our church board!
  • Whisky Trail and Win the Gin! Pay £1 to guess where the prizes are. Posters on the board at the back of church: one bottle of whisky and one bottle of gin 
  • Christmas cards and Easter activity books for sale – grab a bargain or take a bag full of cards to sell as your Grow your Fiver challenge 
  • Make a cash donation for Rosily into the box at the back of Church – either anonymously or in an envelope with a message for the family 
  • Contribute using the online giving page (still to be set up)

*We are raising money to support Rosily who is undergoing cancer treatment in India where medical treatment is very expensive. Though not a member of St Clement’s or St Ninian’s, she is closely related to us through family and friendship in Christ.


Our children.

This past week, children from both our Primary schools , have been preparing for Christmas and I’ve had the honour and pleasure of witnessing their performances to the community. Enjoy the attached videos!

St Ninian’s P2 Angels

St Clement’s pupils singing at St Ninian’s Carol Concert

St Clement’s Diamond Jubilee

A SPECIAL mass was held on Tuesday 25th October, in the recently renovated hall, to mark the diamond jubilee of St Clement’s RC Church in Charleston. The construction of the original church building, capable of holding 750 people, was finished in 1962 and solemnly blessed by Right Rev. William Andrew Hart, Bishop of Dunkeld on Saturday 22nd September 1962.

The Mass of thanksgiving was led by Bishop Stephen Robson who was joined by Fr Johney Raphael, the current parish priest, Monsignor Ken McBride, Fr Michael Carrie (our home grown priest) and Fr Dijo Thomas.

It was a moving ceremony attended by 50 worshippers including 5 original parishioners, staff and children from St Clément’s school, sisters from the Missionery Sisters of Charity, friends from St Ninians church and other parishes in the dioceses.