Fund raisers!

Since our fund raising appeal was launched for the church and Rosily, (see the last post for suggestions) parishioners have rallied around amazingly! Here’s just a couple of examples of what’s been happening and it’s so fabulous to see the young ones leading the way in ‘building their fiver’!

Child with bread

Niamh made very good use of her day off school last week. She made a batch of Irish bread! It sold out very quickly after Mass today and she’s taken orders for next week! Watch out Clarks’ Bakery- you’ve got serious competition with this budding baker! To see her in action, click here

Niamh enlisted her brother to help sell the loaves
Car washing

Meanwhile, outside the church, Chandi, Niza and their families were braving the cold washing parishioners’ cars! They did a brilliant job and the Vigil parishioners will be glad to know that they will be returning next Saturday night with their buckets and sponges.

Car wash 1
Niza and family working very hard. The boys did help too but had left for football when I took this photo.

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2 Responses

  1. Theresa Stephen says:

    The soda bread was delicious! Looking forward to buying more!

  2. Christine says:

    Great to see so much effort going into our fundraising. We’ll done to everyone. Niamh did amazing with her bread, look forward to getting a loaf next week. The cars were so clean & shiny when we passed, great work.