Lenten Almsgiving

Grow Your Fiver!

Raising money as a joint parish community (St Clement’s and St Ninian’s) links in really well with our Journeying Together programme. Here are some of our ideas for the next six weeks for our *Lenten Almsgiving appeal and please do encourage the children to take part. They are wonderful and enthusiastic! 

  • Grow your Fiver! Ask someone from the Fundraising Group for £5 after Mass or feel free to use your own £5! Do let us know what you are doing so we can celebrate your efforts on our church board!
  • Whisky Trail and Win the Gin! Pay £1 to guess where the prizes are. Posters on the board at the back of church: one bottle of whisky and one bottle of gin 
  • Christmas cards and Easter activity books for sale – grab a bargain or take a bag full of cards to sell as your Grow your Fiver challenge 
  • Make a cash donation for Rosily into the box at the back of Church – either anonymously or in an envelope with a message for the family 
  • Contribute using the online giving page (still to be set up)

*We are raising money to support Rosily who is undergoing cancer treatment in India where medical treatment is very expensive. Though not a member of St Clement’s or St Ninian’s, she is closely related to us through family and friendship in Christ.


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1 Response

  1. Louise says:

    We bought some of the lovely soda bread made by Niamh for the Grow your Fiver challenge! What a delicious challenge this was! I definitely think Niamh is STAR BAKER this week 🤩 Then, coming out of church to find my Mini all sparkling and clean after the car wash, made it a super Sunday. What a lovely community we have 😊